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Inventory, codification and technical revaluation of fixed assets of the autonomous municipal government of arampampa

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This tender with title Inventory, codification and technical revaluation of fixed assets of the autonomous municipal government of arampampa -- Inventariacion, codificacion y revalorizacion tecnica de activos fijos del gobierno autonomo municipal de arampampa has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 15 Oct 2020 for the country of Bolivia. It has been categorized on Test and evaluation. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Inventariacion, codificacion y revalorizacion tecnica de activos fijos del gobierno autonomo municipal de arampampa

General Information

Inventory, codification and technical revaluation of fixed assets of the autonomous municipal government of arampampa
Inventariacion, codificacion y revalorizacion tecnica de activos fijos del gobierno autonomo municipal de arampampa
Invitation to Tender
15 Oct 2020
Test and evaluation

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