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Maintenance and repair service for false ceilings, ceilings, floors and walls, electrical installations, doors and windows within the administrative area of ​​the departmental center of nephrology and hemodialysis Tarija at the request of the departmental secretary of public works of the autonomous departmental government of Tarija

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This tender with title Maintenance and repair service for false ceilings, ceilings, floors and walls, electrical installations, doors and windows within the administrative area of ​​the departmental center of nephrology and hemodialysis Tarija at the request of the departmental secretary of public works of the autonomous departmental government of Tarija -- Servicio de mantenimiento y refacción de cielos falsos, cielos rasos, pisos y paredes instalaciones eléctricas, puertas y ventanas al interior del Área administrativa del centro departamental de nefrología y hemodiálisis tarija a solicitud de la secretaria departamental de obras públicas del gobierno autónomo departamental de tarija has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 15 Oct 2020 for the country of Bolivia. It has been categorized on Installation of suspended ceilings & Installation of doors & Installation services of electrical and mechanical equipment & Windows & Doors & Installation of doors and windows & Repair and maintenance services of electrical machinery, apparatus and associated equipment & Repair and maintenance services of electrical and mechanical building installations & Installation of doors and windows and related components & Operation of electrical installations & Electrical installation work. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Servicio de mantenimiento y refacción de cielos falsos, cielos rasos, pisos y paredes instalaciones eléctricas, puertas y ventanas al interior del Área administrativa del centro departamental de nefrología y hemodiálisis tarija a solicitud de la secretaria departamental de obras públicas del gobierno autónomo departamental de tarija

General Information

Maintenance and repair service for false ceilings, ceilings, floors and walls, electrical installations, doors and windows within the administrative area of ​​the departmental center of nephrology and hemodialysis Tarija at the request of the departmental secretary of public works of the autonomous departmental government of Tarija
Servicio de mantenimiento y refacción de cielos falsos, cielos rasos, pisos y paredes instalaciones eléctricas, puertas y ventanas al interior del Área administrativa del centro departamental de nefrología y hemodiálisis tarija a solicitud de la secretaria departamental de obras públicas del gobierno autónomo departamental de tarija
Invitation to Tender
15 Oct 2020
Installation of suspended ceilings , Installation of doors , Installation services of electrical and mechanical equipment , Windows , Doors , Installation of doors and windows , Repair and maintenance services of electrical machinery, apparatus and associated equipment , Repair and maintenance services of electrical and mechanical building installations , Installation of doors and windows and related components , Operation of electrical installations , Electrical installation work

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