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Conducting an internal tender in the sealed envelope to carry out drilling, cladding and testing of a well for the Big Picture Village, to a depth of / 300 / meter

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This tender with title Conducting an internal tender in the sealed envelope to carry out drilling, cladding and testing of a well for the Big Picture Village, to a depth of / 300 / meter -- 14490/2020 -- إجراء مناقصة داخلية بالظرف المختوم لتنفيذ أعمال حفر وإكساء وتجريب بئر لصالح قرية الصورة الكبيرة لعمق /300/ متر has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 14 Oct 2020 for the country of Syria. It has been categorized on Well-drilling and production services & Well-drilling services & Meters & Cladding. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

14490/2020 -- إجراء مناقصة داخلية بالظرف المختوم لتنفيذ أعمال حفر وإكساء وتجريب بئر لصالح قرية الصورة الكبيرة لعمق /300/ متر

General Information

Conducting an internal tender in the sealed envelope to carry out drilling, cladding and testing of a well for the Big Picture Village, to a depth of / 300 / meter
14490/2020 -- إجراء مناقصة داخلية بالظرف المختوم لتنفيذ أعمال حفر وإكساء وتجريب بئر لصالح قرية الصورة الكبيرة لعمق /300/ متر
Invitation to Tender
14 Oct 2020
Well-drilling and production services , Well-drilling services , Meters , Cladding

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