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negotiations No. PS-394/20 on the choice of a contractor to perform a survey with the issuance of a technical opinion on the insulation of freezing structures of wall panels of a residential building

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This tender with title negotiations No. PS-394/20 on the choice of a contractor to perform a survey with the issuance of a technical opinion on the insulation of freezing structures of wall panels of a residential building -- переговоры № ПС-394/20 по выбору подрядной организации для выполнения обследования с выдачей технического заключения по утеплению промерзающих конструкций стеновых панелей жилого дома has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 13 Oct 2020 for the country of Belarus. It has been categorized on Architectural and building-surveying services & Insulation work & Building surveying services & Panels & Structures and parts of structures. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

переговоры № ПС-394/20 по выбору подрядной организации для выполнения обследования с выдачей технического заключения по утеплению промерзающих конструкций стеновых панелей жилого дома

General Information

negotiations No. PS-394/20 on the choice of a contractor to perform a survey with the issuance of a technical opinion on the insulation of freezing structures of wall panels of a residential building
переговоры № ПС-394/20 по выбору подрядной организации для выполнения обследования с выдачей технического заключения по утеплению промерзающих конструкций стеновых панелей жилого дома
Invitation to Tender
13 Oct 2020
22 Oct 2020
Architectural and building-surveying services , Insulation work , Building surveying services , Panels , Structures and parts of structures

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