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electric water heaters for the construction site "Kindergarten for 240 children with a swimming pool in microdistrict No. 7 in Bobruisk"

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This tender with title electric water heaters for the construction site "Kindergarten for 240 children with a swimming pool in microdistrict No. 7 in Bobruisk" -- электрические водонагреватели для строительного объекта "Детский сад на 240 мест с бассейном в микрорайоне №7 в г.Бобруйске" has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 11 Oct 2020 for the country of Belarus. It has been categorized on Construction work for kindergarten buildings & Water heaters and heating for buildings; plumbing equipment & Construction work for swimming pool & Instantaneous or storage non-electric water heaters. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

электрические водонагреватели для строительного объекта "Детский сад на 240 мест с бассейном в микрорайоне №7 в г.Бобруйске"

General Information

electric water heaters for the construction site "Kindergarten for 240 children with a swimming pool in microdistrict No. 7 in Bobruisk"
электрические водонагреватели для строительного объекта "Детский сад на 240 мест с бассейном в микрорайоне №7 в г.Бобруйске"
Invitation to Tender
11 Oct 2020
16 Oct 2020
Construction work for kindergarten buildings , Water heaters and heating for buildings; plumbing equipment , Construction work for swimming pool , Instantaneous or storage non-electric water heaters

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