This tender with title Code DK 021: 2015 - 45260000-7 Roofing works and other specialized construction works “Execution of works on current repair of soft and slate roofs of Veselivsky REM in Veselivsky district: ZTP - 12/200, ZTP -13/273, ZTP - 16 / 86 & quot; -- Код ДК 021:2015 — 45260000-7 Покрівельні роботи та інші спеціалізовані будівельні роботи “Виконання робіт з поточного ремонту м’яких та шиферних покрівель Веселівського РЕМ у Веселівському районі: ЗТП - 12/200, ЗТП -13/273, ЗТП – 16/86" has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 08 Oct 2020 for the country of Ukraine. It has been categorized on Engineering works and construction works & Roof-slating work & Roof works and other special trade construction works & Roof maintenance work & Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work & Construction work. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.
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