This tender with title Services for the installation of a grounding conductor to the metal structure of the roof of the building of the Moryn Lyceum with a preschool group named after the Hero of the Soviet Union AP Kharkiv, Moryn village council, Korsun-Shevchenkivskyi district, Cherkasy region, located at: 19413, Cherkasy region, Korsun-Shevchenkivskyi district, village Moryntsi, street School, 5 -- Послуги по улаштуванню заземлюючого провідника до металевої конструкції даху будівлі Моринського ліцею з дошкільною групою імені Героя Радянського Союзу А.П. Харковця Моринської сільської ради Корсунь-Шевченківського району Черкаської області, що знаходиться за адресою: 19413, Черкаська область, Корсунь-Шевченківський район, с. Моринці, вул. Шкільна, 5 has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 08 Oct 2020 for the country of Ukraine. It has been categorized on Structural steel erection work for structures & Conductors & Structural steel erection work for buildings & Structures construction work & Construction work for school buildings & Electric conductors for access control systems & Electric conductors for data and control purposes & Installation of metal structures & Structural steel erection work & Structural steelworks & Assembly of metal structures. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.
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