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Execution of construction and installation work on the facility "Installation of electric water heaters in the state educational institution" Special nursery school No. 4 for children with visual impairment in Rechitsa "

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This tender with title Execution of construction and installation work on the facility "Installation of electric water heaters in the state educational institution" Special nursery school No. 4 for children with visual impairment in Rechitsa " -- Выполнение строительно-монтажных работ по объекту "Установка электроводонагревателей в государственном учреждении образования "Специальный ясли-сад № 4 для детей с нарушениеми зрения г.Речицы" has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 22 Sep 2020 for the country of Belarus. It has been categorized on Instantaneous or storage non-electric water heaters & Construction work for school buildings & Water heaters and heating for buildings; plumbing equipment. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Выполнение строительно-монтажных работ по объекту "Установка электроводонагревателей в государственном учреждении образования "Специальный ясли-сад № 4 для детей с нарушениеми зрения г.Речицы"

General Information

Execution of construction and installation work on the facility "Installation of electric water heaters in the state educational institution" Special nursery school No. 4 for children with visual impairment in Rechitsa "
Выполнение строительно-монтажных работ по объекту "Установка электроводонагревателей в государственном учреждении образования "Специальный ясли-сад № 4 для детей с нарушениеми зрения г.Речицы"
Invitation to Tender
22 Sep 2020
25 Sep 2020
Instantaneous or storage non-electric water heaters , Construction work for school buildings , Water heaters and heating for buildings; plumbing equipment

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