This tender with title Acquisition of computers for the digitization and management of geographic information, signaling information and information on road safety elements in order to prepare and maintain the inventory of vertical and horizontal signaling and containment elements on roads under the jurisdiction of the Traffic Institute from the Atlantic -- Adquisición de computadores para la digitalización y manejo de información geográfica, información de señalización e información de elementos de seguridad vial con el fin de elaborar y mantener el inventario de la señalización vertical, horizontal y elementos de contención en las vías bajo jurisdicción del Instituto de Tránsito del Atlántico has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 20 Sep 2020 for the country of Colombia . It has been categorized on Computer equipment and supplies & Roadworks & Installation work of illumination and signalling systems & Road construction works & Construction work for highways, roads & Traffic control services & Maintenance and repair of computer equipment & Traffic monitoring services. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.
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