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Renting equipment and cars with drivers to transfer and transfer agricultural waste from the water course at the Corporation's branch in Medina

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This tender with title Renting equipment and cars with drivers to transfer and transfer agricultural waste from the water course at the Corporation's branch in Medina -- استئجار معدات وسيارات مع السائقين لنقل وترحيل المخلفات الزراعية من مجرى الماء بفرع المؤسسة في المدينة المنورة has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 26 Aug 2020 for the country of Saudi Arabia. It has been categorized on Hire of passenger transport vehicles with driver & Agricultural machinery & Hire of goods-transport vehicles with driver. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

استئجار معدات وسيارات مع السائقين لنقل وترحيل المخلفات الزراعية من مجرى الماء بفرع المؤسسة في المدينة المنورة

General Information

Renting equipment and cars with drivers to transfer and transfer agricultural waste from the water course at the Corporation's branch in Medina
استئجار معدات وسيارات مع السائقين لنقل وترحيل المخلفات الزراعية من مجرى الماء بفرع المؤسسة في المدينة المنورة
Invitation to Tender
Saudi Arabia
26 Aug 2020
9 Sep 2020
Hire of passenger transport vehicles with driver , Agricultural machinery , Hire of goods-transport vehicles with driver

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