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the acquisition of paper shredders is required for the subdirectorate and the administrative and financial vice-rector

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This tender with title the acquisition of paper shredders is required for the subdirectorate and the administrative and financial vice-rector -- se requiere para la subdireccion y la vicerrector administrativa y financiera la adquisición de destructoras de papel has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 16 Aug 2020 for the country of Colombia . It has been categorized on Shredders. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

se requiere para la subdireccion y la vicerrector administrativa y financiera la adquisición de destructoras de papel

General Information

the acquisition of paper shredders is required for the subdirectorate and the administrative and financial vice-rector
se requiere para la subdireccion y la vicerrector administrativa y financiera la adquisición de destructoras de papel
Invitation to Tender
16 Aug 2020
31 Aug 2020

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