This tender with title Design of security and fire alarms (FSA) (burglar alarms (OS), fire alarms)) warning and evacuation systems in case of fire (SOUE), security television systems (SVN) and access control (ACS) in Dmitrovskaya and Shaturskaya city prosecutor's offices -- Проектирование охранно-пожарной сигнализации (ОПС) (охранная сигнализация (ОС), пожарная сигнализация)) систем оповещения и управления эвакуацией людей при пожаре (СОУЭ), систем охранного телевиденья (СВН) иконтроля доступа (СКУД) в Дмитровской и Шатурской городских прокуратурах has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 13 Aug 2020 for the country of Russia. It has been categorized on Burglar-alarm systems & Surveillance and security systems and devices & Security equipment & Fire-alarm systems & Burglar and fire alarms & Emergency and security equipment & Security, fire-fighting and police equipment & Access control system. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.
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