This tender with title Placing an order for the purchase of reinforced concrete building materials for wells, building materials for outdoor sewerage, electrical goods (cables, boxes, switches, sockets and lamps), drywall, underlay film, PVC doors, decorative texture "wet silk", edged boards, glue for porcelain stoneware , self-tapping screws, molar tape, assembly foam, ceramic wall tiles, ceiling tiles, PVC window sills, directional profiles, handles for PVC windows, cores, galvanized plaster mesh, perforated corners, folded roofs, compositions for filling joints, gypsum putty, abrasive sand -- Размещение заказа на закупку железобетонных строительных материалов для колодцев, строительных материалов для наружной канализации, электротовары (кабеля, короба, выключатели, розетки и светильники), гипсокортона, пленки подкровельной, дверей ПВХ, декоративной фактуры «мокрый шелк», досок обрезных, клея для керамогранита, саморезы, ленты молярной, пены монтажной, плитки керамической настенной, плит потолочных, подоконников ПВХ, профиля направленного, ручек для ПВХ окон, сердцевин, сетки штукатурной оцинкованной, уголков перфорированных, кровли фальцевой, композиции для заполнения швов, шпатлевки гипсовой, шлифшкурок has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 02 Aug 2020 for the country of Belarus. It has been categorized on Plugs and sockets & Self-tapping screws & Doors & Motor vehicles & Sewerage work & Lighting equipment and electric lamps & Plasters & Electrical equipment for engines and vehicles & Sewer construction work & Abrasive products & Wall-tiling work & Electrical equipment and apparatus & Cable, wire and related products & Bolts and screws & Gypsum & Concrete & Sewage work & Construction work for buildings relating to law and order & Ceramics & Insulated cable joints & Reinforced-concrete structures & Building materials & Concrete work & Ancillary works for pipelines and cables & Vehicles for refuse and sewage & Glues & Reinforced-concrete work & Construction materials & Armoured or reinforced doors & Windows. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.
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