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Acquisition of scales intended for agricultural operations, in two lots: Lot n ° 1: Acquisition of scales for date palm; Lot n ° 2: Acquisition of ladders for almond trees.

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This tender with title Acquisition of scales intended for agricultural operations, in two lots: Lot n ° 1: Acquisition of scales for date palm; Lot n ° 2: Acquisition of ladders for almond trees. -- Acquisition des échelles destinées à des exploitations agricoles, en deux lots : Lot n°1 : Acquisition des échelles pour palmier dattier ; Lot n°2 : Acquisition des échelles pour arbres d'amandier. has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 26 Jul 2020 for the country of Morocco. It has been categorized on Scales & Ladders & Weighing machinery and scales. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Acquisition des échelles destinées à des exploitations agricoles, en deux lots : Lot n°1 : Acquisition des échelles pour palmier dattier ; Lot n°2 : Acquisition des échelles pour arbres d'amandier.

General Information

Acquisition of scales intended for agricultural operations, in two lots: Lot n ° 1: Acquisition of scales for date palm; Lot n ° 2: Acquisition of ladders for almond trees.
Acquisition des échelles destinées à des exploitations agricoles, en deux lots : Lot n°1 : Acquisition des échelles pour palmier dattier ; Lot n°2 : Acquisition des échelles pour arbres d'amandier.
Invitation to Tender
26 Jul 2020
15 Sep 2020
Scales , Ladders , Weighing machinery and scales

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