This tender with title Закупка спецтехники (тракторов, погрузчиков, загрузчика сухих кормов, дезинфекционной установки на базе, вакуумной машины, измельчителя соломы, смесителя-кормораздатчика самоходного, машины для внесения жидких органических удобрений, прицепа тракторного) -- Purchase of special equipment (tractors, loaders, a dry feed loader, a base disinfection unit, a vacuum machine, a straw chopper, a self-propelled mixer-feeder, a machine for applying liquid organic fertilizers, a tractor trailer) has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 06 Jul 2020 for the country of Belarus. It has been categorized on Tractors & Sterilisation, disinfection and hygiene devices & Trailers & Self-loading trailers for agriculture & Fertilisers and nitrogen compounds & Miscellaneous fertilisers & Trailers and semi-trailers & Disinfection equipment & Straw and forage. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.
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