This tender with title Услуги по разработке Плана и проведению мероприятий по привлечению предприятий, предпринимателей, развитию малого и среднего бизнеса на прибрежных зонах г. Ивангорода (Россия) и г. Нарвы (Эстония) в рамках проекта ER4 «Развитие исторической прибрежной зоны в Ивангороде/Россия и Нарве/Эстония, III этап / Речные променады-3». -- Services for the development of the Plan and the implementation of measures to attract enterprises and entrepreneurs, the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the coastal zones of Ivangorod (Russia) and Narva (Estonia) under the ER4 project “Development of the historical coastal zone in Ivangorod / Russia and Narva / Estonia, III stage / River promenades-3. " has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 25 Jun 2020 for the country of Russia. It has been categorized on Stage construction works & Preservation services of historical sites and buildings & Promenade construction work. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.
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