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Работы по детальному обследованию технического состояния строительных конструкций: подземного газохода печи П-1 установки «Ректификация»; подземного газохода печей П-401, П-2 установки «АВТ-6» производства НТиА ОАО «Нафтан»

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This tender with title Работы по детальному обследованию технического состояния строительных конструкций: подземного газохода печи П-1 установки «Ректификация»; подземного газохода печей П-401, П-2 установки «АВТ-6» производства НТиА ОАО «Нафтан» -- Work on a detailed examination of the technical condition of building structures: the underground gas duct of furnace P-1 of the Rectification unit; of the underground gas duct of the P-401, P-2 furnaces of the AVT-6 installation manufactured by NTiA of Naftan OJSC has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 21 Jun 2020 for the country of Belarus. It has been categorized on Ducting & Construction materials & Structures and parts of structures & Underground work other than tunnels, shafts and subways & Construction of furnaces & Installation services of furnaces & Miscellaneous building structures. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Work on a detailed examination of the technical condition of building structures: the underground gas duct of furnace P-1 of the Rectification unit; of the underground gas duct of the P-401, P-2 furnaces of the AVT-6 installation manufactured by NTiA of Naftan OJSC

General Information

Работы по детальному обследованию технического состояния строительных конструкций: подземного газохода печи П-1 установки «Ректификация»; подземного газохода печей П-401, П-2 установки «АВТ-6» производства НТиА ОАО «Нафтан»
Work on a detailed examination of the technical condition of building structures: the underground gas duct of furnace P-1 of the Rectification unit; of the underground gas duct of the P-401, P-2 furnaces of the AVT-6 installation manufactured by NTiA of Naftan OJSC
Invitation to Tender
21 Jun 2020
26 Jun 2020
Ducting , Construction materials , Structures and parts of structures , Underground work other than tunnels, shafts and subways , Construction of furnaces , Installation services of furnaces , Miscellaneous building structures

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