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Разработка предпроектной документации для объекта «ОАО «Нафтан» завод «Полимир». Цех 007. Реконструкция узла налива ацетонциангидрина (АЦГ) и нитрила акриловой кислоты (НАК) в железнодорожные цистерны/контейнеры»

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This tender with title Разработка предпроектной документации для объекта «ОАО «Нафтан» завод «Полимир». Цех 007. Реконструкция узла налива ацетонциангидрина (АЦГ) и нитрила акриловой кислоты (НАК) в железнодорожные цистерны/контейнеры» -- Development of pre-design documentation for the facility "OJSC" Naftan "plant" Polymir ". Shop 007. Reconstruction of the filling unit of acetoncyanohydrin (ACG) and acrylic acid nitrile (NAC) in railway tanks / containers ” has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 03 Jun 2020 for the country of Belarus. It has been categorized on Documentation services & Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work & City railway construction work & Tanks, reservoirs, containers and pressure vessels & Esters of acrylic acid & Intercity railway works & Large containers & Railway construction works & Railway equipment & Rails. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Development of pre-design documentation for the facility "OJSC" Naftan "plant" Polymir ". Shop 007. Reconstruction of the filling unit of acetoncyanohydrin (ACG) and acrylic acid nitrile (NAC) in railway tanks / containers ”

General Information

Разработка предпроектной документации для объекта «ОАО «Нафтан» завод «Полимир». Цех 007. Реконструкция узла налива ацетонциангидрина (АЦГ) и нитрила акриловой кислоты (НАК) в железнодорожные цистерны/контейнеры»
Development of pre-design documentation for the facility "OJSC" Naftan "plant" Polymir ". Shop 007. Reconstruction of the filling unit of acetoncyanohydrin (ACG) and acrylic acid nitrile (NAC) in railway tanks / containers ”
Invitation to Tender
3 Jun 2020
1 Jul 2020
Documentation services , Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work , City railway construction work , Tanks, reservoirs, containers and pressure vessels , Esters of acrylic acid , Intercity railway works , Large containers , Railway construction works , Railway equipment , Rails

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