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Комплекс работ по обследованию и ремонту ж/б конструкций чаши нефильтруемого шламоотвала филиала «Березовская ГРЭС» РУП «Брестэнерго» с обустройством гидроизоляции».

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This tender with title Комплекс работ по обследованию и ремонту ж/б конструкций чаши нефильтруемого шламоотвала филиала «Березовская ГРЭС» РУП «Брестэнерго» с обустройством гидроизоляции». -- A set of works on the inspection and repair of reinforced concrete structures of the bowl of an unfiltered sludge dump of the Berezovskaya SDPP branch of RUE Brestenergo with the arrangement of waterproofing. ” has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 24 May 2020 for the country of Belarus. It has been categorized on Technical inspection services of engineering structures & Reinforced-concrete structures & Structures and parts of structures & Concrete work & Sludge-dewatering plant construction work & Waterproofing work & Bowls & Reinforced-concrete work. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

A set of works on the inspection and repair of reinforced concrete structures of the bowl of an unfiltered sludge dump of the Berezovskaya SDPP branch of RUE Brestenergo with the arrangement of waterproofing. ”

General Information

Комплекс работ по обследованию и ремонту ж/б конструкций чаши нефильтруемого шламоотвала филиала «Березовская ГРЭС» РУП «Брестэнерго» с обустройством гидроизоляции».
A set of works on the inspection and repair of reinforced concrete structures of the bowl of an unfiltered sludge dump of the Berezovskaya SDPP branch of RUE Brestenergo with the arrangement of waterproofing. ”
Invitation to Tender
24 May 2020
28 May 2020
Technical inspection services of engineering structures , Reinforced-concrete structures , Structures and parts of structures , Concrete work , Sludge-dewatering plant construction work , Waterproofing work , Bowls , Reinforced-concrete work

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