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Contratar la adquisición de elementos de aseo jabones, blanqueador y detergentes para el proyecto productivo asadero de la cárcel y penitenciaria de media seguridad de Bucaramanga.

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This tender with title Contratar la adquisición de elementos de aseo jabones, blanqueador y detergentes para el proyecto productivo asadero de la cárcel y penitenciaria de media seguridad de Bucaramanga. -- Contract the acquisition of soap, bleach and detergent cleaning elements for the productive project Asadero of the medium security prison and penitentiary of Bucaramanga. has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 18 May 2020 for the country of Colombia . It has been categorized on Detergents & Prison building construction work & Cleaning and polishing products. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Contract the acquisition of soap, bleach and detergent cleaning elements for the productive project Asadero of the medium security prison and penitentiary of Bucaramanga.

General Information

Contratar la adquisición de elementos de aseo jabones, blanqueador y detergentes para el proyecto productivo asadero de la cárcel y penitenciaria de media seguridad de Bucaramanga.
Contract the acquisition of soap, bleach and detergent cleaning elements for the productive project Asadero of the medium security prison and penitentiary of Bucaramanga.
Invitation to Tender
18 May 2020
13 Jul 2020
Detergents , Prison building construction work , Cleaning and polishing products

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