This tender with title ADQUISICIÓN DE TAPABOCAS DE ALTA EFICIENCIA: ADJUNTAR DESCRIPCIÓN E IMÁGENES A LAS OFERTAS. CERTIFICADOS POR MSP. (Cumplir con la Norma NIOSH N95. Debe presentar certificado de cumplimiento de la misma. El producto debe estar claramente identificado (grabado, impreso o estampado en el mismo artículo o envase). Presentar Ficha Técnica del producto, en Idioma Español. La firma oferente deberá cotizar las diferentes presentaciones que dispone. -- ACQUISITION OF HIGH EFFICIENCY TOBACCO: ATTACH DESCRIPTION AND IMAGES TO THE OFFERS. CERTIFIED BY MSP. (Comply with the NIOSH N95 Standard. You must present a certificate of compliance with it. The product must be clearly identified (engraved, printed or stamped on the same article or packaging). Present the Technical Data Sheet of the product, in Spanish Language. The offering firm You must quote the different presentations available. has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 18 May 2020 for the country of Uruguay . It has been categorized on Food, beverages and related products & Ducting & Printed matter and related products & Stamps. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.
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