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Закупка строительных,отделочных материалов и электротехнических изделий для Брестского ф-ла РУП "Белпочта"

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This tender with title Закупка строительных,отделочных материалов и электротехнических изделий для Брестского ф-ла РУП "Белпочта" -- Purchase of construction, decoration materials and electrical products for the Brest f-la RUE & quot; Belposhta & quot; has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 18 May 2020 for the country of Belarus. It has been categorized on Miscellaneous decoration items & Decoration work & Construction materials. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Purchase of construction, decoration materials and electrical products for the Brest f-la RUE & quot; Belposhta & quot;

General Information

Закупка строительных,отделочных материалов и электротехнических изделий для Брестского ф-ла РУП "Белпочта"
Purchase of construction, decoration materials and electrical products for the Brest f-la RUE & quot; Belposhta & quot;
Invitation to Tender
18 May 2020
22 May 2020
Miscellaneous decoration items , Decoration work , Construction materials

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