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Contratar el suministro de elementos de aseo personal (cepillo dental y máquina de afeitar) para comercializar a través del Almacén Expendio de la CPSMBOG.

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This tender with title Contratar el suministro de elementos de aseo personal (cepillo dental y máquina de afeitar) para comercializar a través del Almacén Expendio de la CPSMBOG. -- Contract the supply of personal hygiene items (toothbrush and shaver) to market through the CPSMBOG Expenditory Warehouse. has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 11 May 2020 for the country of Colombia . It has been categorized on Dental nippers, brushes, retractors and burnishers & Shavers & Dental operative brushes & Toothbrushes. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Contract the supply of personal hygiene items (toothbrush and shaver) to market through the CPSMBOG Expenditory Warehouse.

General Information

Contratar el suministro de elementos de aseo personal (cepillo dental y máquina de afeitar) para comercializar a través del Almacén Expendio de la CPSMBOG.
Contract the supply of personal hygiene items (toothbrush and shaver) to market through the CPSMBOG Expenditory Warehouse.
Invitation to Tender
11 May 2020
16 Dec 2020
Dental nippers, brushes, retractors and burnishers , Shavers , Dental operative brushes , Toothbrushes

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