This tender with title Travaux de réhabilitation de l'ensemble du site historique d'Agadir Oufella et de ses abords, sis à la commune d'Agadir, préfecture d'Agadir Idaoutanane. Lot : Réhabilitation des remparts et fouilles archéologiques : façade sud tronçon n°1 et façade est tronçon n°1, saints. --//-- Rehabilitation of the entire historic site of Agadir Oufella and its surroundings, located in the town of Agadir, Agadir Idaoutanane prefecture. Lot: Rehabilitation of the ramparts and archaeological excavations: southern facade section n ° 1 and eastern facade section n ° 1, saints. has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 06 May 2020 for the country of Morocco. It has been categorized on Covered or partially-covered railway excavations & Excavating and earthmoving work & Facade work & Archaeological services & Covered or partially-covered road excavations & Overhaul and refurbishment work & Covered or partially-covered excavations. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.
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