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Provision of comprehensive, outpatient and hospital services at all costs for patients with Acute or Chronic Renal Disease Stage 5 who require Renal Replacement Therapy, including all the procedures, supplies, transportation and human talent activities required for their treatment according to established protocols

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This tender with title Provision of comprehensive, outpatient and hospital services at all costs for patients with Acute or Chronic Renal Disease Stage 5 who require Renal Replacement Therapy, including all the procedures, supplies, transportation and human talent activities required for their treatment according to established protocols has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 02 Mar 2020 for the country of Colombia . It has been categorized on Hospital services. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

General Information

Provision of comprehensive, outpatient and hospital services at all costs for patients with Acute or Chronic Renal Disease Stage 5 who require Renal Replacement Therapy, including all the procedures, supplies, transportation and human talent activities required for their treatment according to established protocols
Invitation to Tender
2 Mar 2020
31 Dec 2020
Hospital services

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