
World Tenders & Procurement Opportunities

Invitation to tender - Consultant for a study of agricultural product markets / sectors in 6 communities of Masisi territory, North Kivu // Appel d'offres - Consultant pour une Etude de marchés de produits/filières agricoles dans 6 communautés du territoire de Masisi, Nord- Kivu

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This tender with title Invitation to tender - Consultant for a study of agricultural product markets / sectors in 6 communities of Masisi territory, North Kivu // Appel d'offres - Consultant pour une Etude de marchés de produits/filières agricoles dans 6 communautés du territoire de Masisi, Nord- Kivu has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 09 Sep 2019 for the country of Congo, DR. It has been categorized on Market research services. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

General Information

Invitation to tender - Consultant for a study of agricultural product markets / sectors in 6 communities of Masisi territory, North Kivu // Appel d'offres - Consultant pour une Etude de marchés de produits/filières agricoles dans 6 communautés du territoire de Masisi, Nord- Kivu
Invitation to Tender
Congo, DR
9 Sep 2019
Market research services

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