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Avis de marché pour l’étude de mise en place d’un système d’information des travaux d’entretien routier ||| English Title: Contract notice for the study to set up an information system for road maintenance works

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This tender with title Avis de marché pour l’étude de mise en place d’un système d’information des travaux d’entretien routier ||| English Title: Contract notice for the study to set up an information system for road maintenance works has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 11 Mar 2019 for the country of Mali. It has been categorized on Information systems. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

General Information

Avis de marché pour l’étude de mise en place d’un système d’information des travaux d’entretien routier ||| English Title: Contract notice for the study to set up an information system for road maintenance works
Invitation to Tender
11 Mar 2019
15 Apr 2019
Information systems

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