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ot 1 - 110/35/10 kV Construction of inlet and outlet lines at Beylagan s / s works lot 2 - 110/35/6 kV Construction of inlet and outlet lines at Baku EFF-4 substation and lot 3 - Installation of input and output lines and auxiliary equipments at Agstafa substation at 110/35/10 kV

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This tender with title ot 1 - 110/35/10 kV Construction of inlet and outlet lines at Beylagan s / s works lot 2 - 110/35/6 kV Construction of inlet and outlet lines at Baku EFF-4 substation and lot 3 - Installation of input and output lines and auxiliary equipments at Agstafa substation at 110/35/10 kV has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 20 Aug 2018 for the country of Azerbaijan. It has been categorized on Substation construction work. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

General Information

ot 1 - 110/35/10 kV Construction of inlet and outlet lines at Beylagan s / s works lot 2 - 110/35/6 kV Construction of inlet and outlet lines at Baku EFF-4 substation and lot 3 - Installation of input and output lines and auxiliary equipments at Agstafa substation at 110/35/10 kV
Open Bid
20 Aug 2018
26 Sep 2018
Substation construction work

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